The C programming language can be difficult for developers that are used to high-level concepts and libraries from their favorite language. At least for me, going “back” to C from languages like Java or JavaScript feels daunting. Since I decided to write programs in the spirit of Donald Knuth, I took on two projects that I am going to write in C: an image viewer with programming language support – where the programming language will be the second project. …

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“I write an average of five new programs every week. Poets have to write poems. I have to write computer programs.” -Donald Knuth Recently, I realized that I haven’t been creating real programs for quite some time. I have been creating lots of throwaway scripts, sure, but nothing that felt like a real program. Something that you could give to another person and they would find it useful. …

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Welcome to my site, stranger! Happy to have you here. My first “home page” went online shortly after I got access to the Internet, which was approximately in 1997. I’ve maintained my site through high school first using Microsoft Frontpage, then later I taught myself HTML and CSS to design my web page. Back in the day, everybody had their personal space, for example, with a link section to other interesting sites. …

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